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Are Bicycle Helmets Required in Atlanta?

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Bicycles are a popular form of transportation, recreation, and exercise. Unfortunately, too many motorists in our region still fail to safely share the road with bikes. It is crucial that all cyclists take proper care to protect their own health and well-being. You may have questions about the bicycle helmet laws in Georgia. Here, our Atlanta bicycle accident lawyer provides an overview of Georgia’s bike helmet laws and explains why it is so important for every rider to wear a helmet. 

Georgia Law: Cyclists 16 Years of Age and Under Must Wear a Helmet

Bicyclists in Atlanta and throughout the surrounding communities are required to comply with Georgia’s bike helmet laws. The state requires bike helmets for younger riders. Under O.C.G.A. § 40-60-296 (e)(1):

  • No person under the age of 16 years shall operate or be a passenger on a bicycle on a highway, bicycle path, or sidewalk under the jurisdiction or control of this state or any local political subdivision thereof without wearing a bicycle helmet.”

A bike helmet should meet the standards set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). While riders 17 years of age and older are permitted to ride without a helmet, children and young teenagers are required to wear a bike helmet when on public property. 

Bike Helmets Prevent Brain Injuries and Save Lives

Even though Georgia law does not require bike helmets for adults, every bicyclist should wear a helmet every time they get on their bike. The simple reality is that bike helmets prevent traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and save lives. As reported by the National Safety Council (NSC), a bike helmet reduces the rider’s risk of a serious brain injury by more than 50 percent. Skull fractures and concussions are far more common in bicyclists that fail to wear a proper safety helmet. 

You Have the Right to Hold the At-Fault Driver (or Other Party) Liable for a Bike Accident

Georgia is an at-fault bike accident state. If you were hurt in a bicycle crash in Georgia, you have the right to hold the at-fault motorist—or any other negligent party—legally liable for the full extent of your injuries. You can bring a bike accident injury claim regardless of whether or not you were wearing a helmet when the crash occurred. That being said, a driver is not automatically at-fault for a bike accident. All bike accidents require a thorough investigation. To hold another party legally liable for your injuries, you must prove that their negligence contributed to the crash. 

Schedule a Free Consultation With an Atlanta Bicycle Accident Lawyer

At Ponton Law, our Atlanta personal injury attorney has the professional skills and legal expertise to represent injured bicyclists. If you or your child was hurt in a bike accident, we are here to help you navigate the claims process. Call us at (404) 418-8507 or contact us online to set up a no-cost, no strings attached review of your case. From our law office in Atlanta, we represent injured bicyclists in Fulton County, DeKalb County, Cobb County, and throughout all of North Georgia.