There are countless businesses across Atlanta, and many of these establishments welcome members of the public onto their premises. Shoppers and patrons deserve to feel safe at all times, but sometimes businesses fail to provide an adequate level of security. In some cases, members of the public can be seriously harmed due to violent, criminal acts that occur on business premises. These individuals can then file a negligent security lawsuit against businesses.
If you have been injured or harmed in any way due to negligent security, it’s important to know when a business is actually liable for your damages. The best way to figure this out is to get in touch with a qualified, experienced negligent security attorney in Atlanta. Our legal professionals can review your situation carefully before determining whether the business in question was actually negligent. If you have a strong case, your attorney can then guide you forwards and help you receive a settlement that covers your damages.
The Concept of Foreseeability
When approaching matters related to negligence, one of the most important concepts is something called “foreseeability.” As you might expect, this refers to the ability of an entity to “foresee” something bad happening. If you are trying to establish that a business created an inadequate security system, you generally need to show the court that they should have predicted the kinds of criminal acts that led to injuries.
The logic is pretty straightforward. If the company was able to foresee criminal acts, then they should have taken steps to prevent or deter these acts. This is what a “reasonable” business owner would do. If they fail to take these necessary steps, your Atlanta negligent security lawyer can argue that they were negligent.
For example, let’s say that there has been a string of violent assaults in a restaurant’s parking lot in Atlanta. The business owner, having been made aware of these crimes, is expected to do something. A reasonable person would employ security guards or use some other type of security measure to deter these assaults from happening again. If they fail to do anything, they will likely be liable for future injuries.
The “Place or Character” of a Business
Courts will also take the “place or character” of a business into account. Some businesses are more likely to experience criminal acts. These include nightclubs, bars, music venues, casinos, 24-hour fast-food restaurants, and more. If the “place and character” of a business attracts criminal activities, the owner should be aware of this. Even if there were no prior instances of criminal acts on the premises, owners of these “crime magnets” may still be held liable if they fail to enlist the help of a qualified security team.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you have been harmed due to negligent security, get in touch with the Law Office of James T. Ponton, LLC. We have dealt with many of these cases in the past, and we know how to clearly establish that a business is liable for negligent security. No one should have to deal with medical expenses and missed wages due to a criminal act, especially when their injuries were the direct result of inadequate security. Book your consultation today, and we can help you strive towards a positive legal outcome.