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Atlanta Bus Accident Lawyer

By James Ponton | Articles

Ponton Law has handled many bus accident cases. While it is always important to retain an attorney as soon as possible if you are injured in any sort of auto accident, it is very important to retain an attorney involving an accident on a bus. This is important for two reasons. First, many times there will be a limited amount of money to compensate all of the individuals who were on the bus at the time of the accident. For example, in the last bus accident case we did involving a Megabus on I-75, there were 22 claimants who claimed that they were injured. The total avai...
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5 Reasons Why an Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney Will Not Take Your Case

By James Ponton | Articles

(1) Disputed Liability  

In cases where the other side is disputing fault for the accident, it makes it difficult to pursue a claim if the other party is claiming that you were at fault.   For example, the other party claims that they had the green light when they entered the intersection.   Some things you can do to combat this is to obtain copies of the 911 records to ...
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Ryder Truck Accident Attorney

By James Ponton | Articles

Have you been in involved in an accident involving a Ryder semi-truck or box truck? These types of cases present many different types of challenges.  Make sure you hire the right attorney who handles these types of cases and is familiar with the issues that tend to arise.   James has handled many.   Here are two of the issues that pop up in almost every one of these cases:...
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Hospital Liens and Car Accident Settlements in Atlanta

By James Ponton | Articles

Here is a scenario which happens, on average, 2-3 times a year in this office.  An individual is involved in a horrific accident resulting in significant injuries and a lengthy hospital stay.   The person who caused the accident has a minimum amount of insurance available, often times $25,000, but sometimes $50,000 or $100,000.  There is either no underinsured motorist coverage or ...
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Tire Defects

By James Ponton | Articles

Poorly maintained tires are a leading cause in Atlanta car accidents.  In the context of a commercial motor vehicle, the standards are generally set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations, which provide that no commercial motor vehicle shall be operated on any tire that: (1) has body ply or belt material exposed through the tread or sidewall; (2) has any tread or sidewall separation; (3) is flat or has an audible leak, or has a cut which exposes the ply or belt mater...
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Atlanta Delivery Drivers

By James Ponton | Articles

Ponton Law has handled many accidents in the Atlanta area that were caused by a negligent driver who was delivering pizzas, including Domino’s, Pizza Hut, and Uber Eats.  The first thing to look at is whether the accident with the at-fault driver occurred while he was on the clock.    If the accident occurred on the clock, then generally speaking you would have a claim not only against the driver but the driver’s employ...
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Atlanta Negligent Hiring Attorney

By James Ponton | Articles

When we are suing a corporate company whose driver was involved in an Atlanta accident or we are suing a trucking company whose driver was involved in an Atlanta accident, we will typically assert a claim for the negligent hiring of the driver. Negligent hiring, entrustment, supervision, and retention claims are causes of action based upon the defendant’s direct negligence in employing an incompetent driver rather than vicarious liability for the driver’s actions.  Thus, ...
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Atlanta Taxi Accidents

By James Ponton | Articles

Ponton Law has handled many taxi accident cases in the Atlanta area and throughout the Southeast.   The first issue that comes up in every taxi case is the amount of the total available insurance coverage. This is why we always advise all of our clients to utilize an Uber or Lyft for their transportation needs in the greater Atlanta area. This is because Uber and Lyft have minimum amounts of liability coverage which are available in the event that the Uber or Lyft driver is a...
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Deposition Preparation for an Atlanta Car Accident Case

By James Ponton | Articles

Depositions are part of the legal process when it comes to pursuing an Atlanta car accident case. Cases most often head to “litigation,” which is a fancy legal term for filing a lawsuit, in one of three scenarios. First, there is a dispute about what happened. Both individuals involved in the accident claim they had the green light as they entered the intersection. Second, there is a dispute on causation-did the accident cause the claimed injuries? The issue that most often comes up here is the amount of the property damage most of the carriers operating in the Met...
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What To Do If You Slip And Fall In a Store

By James Ponton | Articles

If you get hurt from a personal injury after a fall or slip accident, contact an Atlanta Slip and Fall Attorney as it might have happened due to someone's negligence. Filing a case is the only way you can get compensated for your lost wages and the medical expenses incurred. The main challenge in these cases is to prove that the owner of the property is responsible for the accident.

To arrange a free first consultatio...
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