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Four Key Elements of a Negligent Security Claim in Georgia

In Georgia, businesses and property owners have a responsibility to look out for the health and well-being of the people on their premises. Under OCGA § 51-3-1, a business or property owner in Atlanta may be liable for injuries caused by a “failure to exercise ordinary care in keeping the premises and approaches safe.” A business or property owner may even be liable for a criminal assault by a third party if that attack occurred, at least in part, because of a failure to take adequate security precautions. Here, our Atlanta negligent security attorney highlights four key elements that you need to prove to bring a successful negligent security claim in Georgia.  A Duty of Care To hold a business or property owner liable for injuries caused by negligent security, a claimant must prove that the defendant owed them a duty of care. As noted, Georgia businesses and Georgia property owners owe a duty of care..

What is the Statute of Limitations for a Personal Injury Claim in Georgia?

Were you hurt in an accident caused by another party’s negligence? If so, you have the right to seek compensation through a personal injury claim. However, you only have a limited amount of time to initiate the process. This raises an important question: How long do you have to file a personal injury claim in Georgia? Most cases are subject to a two-year statute of limitations. Here, our Atlanta personal injury lawyer provides a more in-depth explanation of the statute of limitations.  Two-Year Statute of Limitations for Most Personal Injury Claims in Georgia The statute of limitations is a law that sets the maximum amount of time you have to pursue a certain type of legal claim. In Georgia, the personal injury statute of limitations is set by OCGA § 9-3-33. Under the law, most “actions for injuries to the person shall be brought within two years after the right of action accrues.” In oth..

When is a Business Liable for Negligent Security in Atlanta?

There are countless businesses across Atlanta, and many of these establishments welcome members of the public onto their premises. Shoppers and patrons deserve to feel safe at all times, but sometimes businesses fail to provide an adequate level of security. In some cases, members of the public can be seriously harmed due to violent, criminal acts that occur on business premises. These individuals can then file a negligent security lawsuit against businesses. If you have been injured or harmed in any way due to negligent security, it’s important to know when a business is actually liable for your damages. The best way to figure this out is to get in touch with a qualified, experienced negligent security attorney in Atlanta. Our legal professionals can review your situation carefully before determining whether the business in question was actually negligent. If you have a strong case, your attorney can then guide you forwards and help you receive a settlement that covers your damages.  The Concept of Foreseeability When approaching matters related to negligence, one of the most impor..

Grocery Store Liability in Atlanta After Slipping on a Spill

When you take a trip to the grocery store, you generally expect to come home with bags of meat, tasty vegetables, snacks, and beverages to enjoy for the next few weeks. One thing no one expects to come home with is a serious, potentially life-altering injury. Unfortunately, even a small spill can cause a shopper to slip and fall. This can result in a range of injuries, including hip fractures, brain injuries, spinal injuries, wrist sprains, broken fingers, and much more. In some cases, the complications of these injuries can even lead to death. In the face of missed wages and medical expenses, injured victims may be desperately in need of financial compensation.  So how do you hold a grocery store liable for this kind of negligence? The first step is always to get in touch with a qualified, experienced Atlanta premises liability attorney. These legal professionals can help you hold grocery stores accountable for their negligence. With their assistance, you can also receive a settlement that covers your damages.  Was the Grocery Store Aware of the Spill?..

Can I Receive Compensation For A Car Accident I Was Partially At Fault For?

It goes without saying that a DUI is a very serious offense - especially if it involves a collision. But what happens if you were injured as a result crash that you partially caused? Is there any way you might be able to recover compensation through a personal injury claim? It might seem ridiculous for someone to receive compensation for being partially at fault for an accident, but sometimes injured individuals have few options. Faced with medical expenses, missed wages, and other damages, an insurance settlement might seem like your only remaining lifeline.  If you are wondering whether you might be able to file an insurance claim, it’s always a good idea to get in touch with an Atlanta car accident lawyer. Our experienced Atlanta car accident attorneys have dealt with many car accident injury cases in the past, and they can help those in need. Even if you believe that you were partially at fault makes it impossible to receive compensation, your personal injury attorney may have more success than you might expect. ..

Can I Receive Compensation For A Car Accident I Was Partially At Fault For?

It goes without saying that a DUI is a very serious offense – especially if it involves a collision. But what happens if you were injured as a result crash that you partially caused? Is there any way you might be able to recover compensation through a personal injury claim? It might seem ridiculous for someone to receive compensation for being partially at fault for an accident, but sometimes injured individuals have few options. Faced with medical expenses, missed wages, and other damages, an insurance settlement might seem like your only remaining lifeline.  If you are wondering whether you might be able to file an insurance claim, it’s always a good idea to get in touch with an Atlanta car accident lawyer. Our experienced Atlanta car accident attorneys have dealt with many car accident injury cases in the past, and they can help those in need. Even if you believe that you were partially at fault makes it impossible to receive compensation, your personal injury attorney may have more success than you might expect. ..

Types of Truck Accidents

In almost every town, accidents occur regularly and unexpectedly. No one causes an accident willingly. Accidents differ depending on the vehicles involved and their effects. When an accident occurs, it can change your life completely.  One time you could be traveling along the road heading to the city or your home, and within seconds, a truck hits your vehicle and leads to a fatal accident. The recovery process from such an accident could be very complicated and costly. When such befalls you, an Atlanta car accident attorney should be your first resort. Below, we outline different types of truck accidents and their causes, which is the article's central focus. Some of these accidents include: Underride accidentsRollover truck accidentsJackknife accidents Underride Truck Accidents This accident involves..

Slip-and-Fall Demand Letter

At some juncture during your slip-and-fall claim, you and your attorney will submit a demand letter to the opposing party, who might be the owner of the premises where the incident occurred, the premises owner's liability insurer, or a lawyer advocating for the responsible party. For more information regarding a slip-and-fall demand letter, contact Ponton Law Firm. What Should A Demand Letter In A Slip-and-Fall Case Contain? A demand letter is the informal beginning of the personal injury compensation negotiating process. Besides, it is your initial meaningful opportunity to explain your version of the slip-and-fall claim. That is, you will include: A complete explanation of how the slip-and-fall incident occurred, including your exact location, what you were engaging in, what you felt and saw, as well as a full definition of the danger, which prompted you to slip and fallA summary of the type and degree of your injuri..

Slip-and-Fall Cases Won

Accidents on some other individual's property occur, and injuries are frequently the outcome. Nevertheless, when somebody else's negligence (or carelessness) is a factor, you may be concerned about your legal rights. Whether you seek an insurance payout or bring a personal injury suit, you must prove that somebody else (the premises owner, in most cases) is legally liable for your injuries to win your claim. The following are frequently the major liability concerns in slip-and-fall cases:   What parties may be held accountable?   Were those individuals indeed negligent?   Whether the accident victim’s actions contributed to the accident? Liability Theories in Slip-and-Fall Cases..

Slip-and-Fall Interrogatories to Defendant

If you cannot resolve a slip-and-fall injury case out of court, the plaintiff might well be required to bring a personal injury suit in civil court. If this occurs, the parties to the litigation — that is, the complainant (the injured individual) and the defendant (often the premises owner) — will disclose information about the incident and crucial components of the complainant's claim in a procedure known as "discovery." The issuance of interrogatories from one side to the other is a key discovery tool. Interrogatories are written queries, which must be answered honestly, in writing, and under oath by the receiving party ("under penalty of perjury," in Georgia). Slip-and-Fall Interrogatories To Defendant The primary concern in a slip-and-fall claim is generally if the premises owner — or the person or organization responsible for overseeing the premises — did not make sensible efforts to avoid the plaintiff's mishap. The complainant must typically show that the defendant's carelessness attributed or led to the slip and fall to win the lawsuit...